日本核物質管理学会Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Japan Chapter


Vol44, Issue 1(2016年2月)


 区分 タイトル                執筆者(所属)
 特集    Analysis of the Developing States in the MENA Region Seeking Civilian Nuclear Energy, with a Primary Focus on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)


Alhuzaymi, Thaqal; Alajo, Ayodeji Babatunde
 特集  Axial and Azimuthal Gamma Scanning of Nuclear Fuel-Implications for Spent Fuel Characterizaiton


Jansson, Peter; Fugate, Michael L.; FavalIi, Andrea; Tobin, Stephen J.; Sjoland, Anders; Ligenfeldt, Henrik
 特集    Nagasaki Life After Nuclear War


Maiello, Mark L.
