日本核物質管理学会Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Japan Chapter


Vol41, Issue 4(2013年12月)



 区分 タイトル                執筆者(所属)
 特集    Closing the Fuel Cycle Through Vitrification – The West Valley Demonstration Project

ガラス固化による燃料サイクルの終了 – ウェスト バレー実証プロジェクト

Meess, Dan
 特集  Corrosion Control Measures for Liquid Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks
at the Savannah River Site


Wiersma, B. J.; Subramanian, K. H.
 特集  Radioactive High-level Waste Tank Pitting Predicitons: An Investigation into Critical Solution Concentrations

放射性高レベル廃棄物タンクの孔食予測: 臨界溶液濃度の調査

Hoffman, E.N.; Wiersma, B. J.; Garcia-Diaz, B.; Edwards, T. B.
 特集  The Evoluiton of Corrosion Montioring in Hanford High-level Waste Tanks


Edgemon, Glenn L.; Anda、Vanessa S.; Dahl, Megan M.; Boomer, Kayle D.
 特集  Corrosion Issues Associated wtih Austenitic Stainless Steel Components Used in Nuclear Materials Extraction and Separation Processes


Mickalonis, Clifton, W. H.; Sindelar, R. L.
 特集  lntergranular Corrosion Evaluation of Stainless Steels and Higher Alloys at the Savannah River Stie


Skidmore, T. E.; Burkett, W. B.; Anton, M.; Jenkins, C. F.
 特集  Management of High-level Waste at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho Site Past, Present, and Future

米国エネルギー省アイダホサイトにおける高レベル廃棄物の管理 過去、現在、そして未来

Adler-Flitton, M. K
 特集  Structural Integrity Program for Calcined Solids Storage at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho Stie


Adler-Flitton, M. K
 特集  The Use of Polymers in Radioacitve Waste Processing Systems


Skidmore, T. E.; Fondeur, F.
 特集  The Value of Using Independent Technical Experts to Enhance the Management of High-level Nuclear Waste


Terry, M. T.
